Lawn Care & Landscape Tips
True Lawn Care is happy to share lawn care and lawn maintenance tips and answers to frequent lawn maintenance and landscaping questions that will help you maintain the best lawn and landscape for your property in San Diego. We believe that healthy lawns, trees, and shrubs play a vital part in maintaining a positive environment for us all, and creative water-wise landscaping helps us all to conserve water, one of our most important resources. We encourage you to share our posts with your friends. Working through the apparent changes and warming in our Southern California climate helps every one of us – to provide a better place for our next and the following generations to come. Contact us about your landscaping needs, and how to make them waterwise, and to do your part to make a better future in San Diego for us all.
Am I over or under watering my lawn?
All of us in San Diego are making the effort to conserve water, but how do you tell if you're overwatering (or underwatering) your lawns. Ask your lawn, or the True Lawn Care professionals!
How Often Should I Water My Lawn?
In San Diego, we're frequently asked how often "should" I water my lawn to keep it green. There are several factors that make a difference in how we answer the question.
Landscape design Ideas for Your Property
An initial landscape design requires good observation and also style skills. A well-designed landscape can add grandeur to your home
10 Reasons to use Drip Irrigation
Drip Irrigation is perfect for any landscape project to help conserve Water - Commercial, Residential, HOAs benefit from drip irrigation
Colorful Flowers Add Accent
Flowers for the season. Seasonal flowers accentuate and add depth to any project. Add seasonal color to your project and enjoy
How to tell when your mower blade needs to be sharpened
If you're not sure whether your lawn mower blade is dull, there are a few things you can look for. First, check the health and quality of your lawn